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Japan Trips: 3 Must-Try Airbnb Activities

Japan is one of the top most visited countries in the world. And rightly so. It’s popular for so, so many things, but what truly stands out in the long list of pronounced tourist attractions is getting immersed in the local culture and attentively watching the surroundings around you.

While there are several ways to schedule a local itinerary, NeedThat believes in the efficiency of checking into Airbnb activities. Not only are they a great way to meet people and create insightful conversations, but they could practically help you anchor your true intention of visiting another city or country. Plus, the app itself is already streamlined for your travel convenience. So, here are our top three must-try and book Airbnb activities in Japan to give you a unique interaction with local life.

1. Learn the art of wasabi cultivation by David

  • Where: Okutama, Nishitama-Gun
  • Price: $$$

Wasabi is a staple of popular Japanese dishes like sushi, sashimi, and soba. Despite this popularity, growing its plants is frankly difficult primarily because of their specific growth needs, such as shady conditions, uniformly moist but not wet soil, and controlled temperature over a period between 15 months to two years. That is why cultivating them is considered an art by Airbnb host David. 

David is a legend in the area – used to be a journalist and now grows wasabi and other native plants like a boss. His expertise has led him to supply top chefs in the country with high-quality wasabi cultivars, which means you’ll literally get the value of the activity cost because you’ll learn from the best. He also speaks both the English and Japanese languages, making your conversation easier and faster as you learn the ropes of wasabi cultivation and tour around the area.

2.Tokyo West-Side Cycling & Food Jaunt by And

  • Where: Suginami, Tokyo
  • Price: $$$

With every surrounding being new to a first-time traveler, there’s always a “main character” moment surfacing in oneself. It’s sincere and special, just like Andy’s Tokyo Westside cycling activity and food excursions around Suginami. It’s an all-inclusive cycling experience around Andy’s hometown using his salvaged Mamachari bicycles, giving you an insider tour of the eclectic and jazzy local neighborhoods of Nakano, Koenji, and Asagaya. There you’ll discover the urban landscapes that resemble Brooklyn of NYC and Berkeley of SF, offbeat attractions distinctive to the locals, and enticing cuisine among Japanese street food eats.

3.Sushi-making Experience by Kazuki

  • Where: Shinjuku City, Japan
  • Price: $$

A trip to Japan is certainly ordering one or two sushi meals in your food tours. In case you couldn’t get enough of them once you get home, you can pay Kazuki a visit to try his sushi-making lessons. For such an affordable price, you’ll learn about five kinds of sushi in just 1.5 hours at Kazuki’s shop which has lasted for over 100 years. This is definitely an experience you’ll remember, especially since the host is quite an entertaining and informative instructor.

Sushi-making may be sophisticated but he’ll ensure that the steps are foolproof and convenient for neophytes. 

Eric Chen

[Writer | Contributor] Eric is a food and beverage, hardware, and consumer goods enthusiast who has experience launching various e-commerce brands and wants to bridge consumers to well-informed purchasing decisions.

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